Friday, July 13, 2012

MRSA medicine.

My husband finally got some medicine for his boils! So here's hoping that this will slow down or even eliminate the boils for good! I can dream right? He started his first dose and I'm excited about it.
So both husband and son are on septra and both are putting honey on their boils and hopefully this helps.

My son's boil actually popped today but it looks like has a bit of pus still. Hope it goes away. He even has another right under that one but its much less red and looks superficial. Just have to wait for the medicine to kick in.

The new boil.

So I finally decided to take the leap today. I changed my son Elliot's doctor! I am happy but yet I am nervous. What if this doctor doesn't understand MRSA just like his current doctor? What if she's rude and wont help us either? But I took a chance. His new doctor is a female and hopefully she will help us with this MRSA stuff once and for all! I am not going to hold my breath but I can dream.
We also finally got my husband a doctor. He doesn't know this yet but tomorrow I have a mind to take him to urgent care to get him some antibiotics because he really needs some. So I am letting him know when we wake up. I am tired of feeling like he's the on giving our son the MRSA boils. My husband is a walking MRSA boil and I don't know if it's because of his horrible skin or what. Ever since he started working he will get 10 or so bumps every two weeks. Thats 20 a month. Maybe even more. I am concerned for him as well because he doesn't have anyone monitoring it. So I am hoping he can finally see a doctor about it.
Anyway, as for my my previous post said he got a boil on his leg, it looks like it's just forming and has been here since the morning. It's started getting pus tonight and hopefully it will open and drain tomorrow when I soak him in the bath. This is what it looks like.

Oh Boy.

Well MRSA is back on my little man. In a peculiar place too. He has it on his right thigh in the front.
We are using honey and Septra as well as prid to hopefully draw it to a head to drain.
This sucks.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Routine Routine.

So today I went to walmart and bought some more things for my son because on top of being sick the MRSA is back as you know. I purchased PRID as I have heard on MRSA forums that prid draws the boil to a head and helps it open so it can drain which is essentially what you want when you have a MRSA boil.

I noticed a few things today and beforehand about my son and his particular MRSA.
I feel 100% sure that his MRSA outbreaks are coming from his father, so his father is the root of the outbreaks and I've come to the conclusion that my husband needs a huge intervention from a doctor as soon as possible. I encourage my husband to bathe in bleach every other day and he does which has proven to slow down the appearence of more boils but for some reason (which I believe has to do with his open wounds from eczema) whenever he touches my sons bare skin my son seems to get a boil. So I have tried to minimize bare skin touching between son and my husband just enough so he doesn't feel alienated from his child. This week or next week we plan to finally see a doctor about husbands MRSA. It has been hectic because we moved and are still unpacking and now Elliot being sick is not helping at all.

Anyhoo here's how it goes for us.

This thing pops up, just looks like a ordinary bite but then starts getting a white head and bam! we have a hard disgusting MRSA boil. Also like to note that for some odd reason my child gets MRSA under the arms and on his buttocks and legs, but like I said I believe he gets them under his arms because thats where my husband picks him up. Same with his buttocks when husband changes diapers and husband also carries him with his hand around his legs.

This is my medicine drawer just for my son, MRSA and fever meds.

This is the manuka honey we are currently using.

I usually put it on a bandaid with a Q-Tip and put it over his bump, several times a day.

Now we will be trying the prid, bleach baths, warm compress and manuka honey as well as septra.

I honestly believe this came on the wings of his sickness that he is battling. Update later.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

And when do I give up?

My son is sick. On July 1st he developed a fever and was just lethargic. Next day we took him to the doctors and he tells me he has an ear infection which I honestly don't believe. Now a day later there is a MRSA bump on his side. I don't know what to do or think or say anymore I just want to give up already. I am not sure what else I can do about it that I haven't already done. I really need some help.