Monday, August 13, 2012

MRSA is back, surprise surprise.

Well recently I have been very stressed, as well as my husband.
about 7/24 we found a MRSA boil on his elbow, went straight to doctors but the doctor didn't want to do anything for it.
Well its been a few weeks and another popped up on his leg and arm. Thats 3 in 3 weeks. We're back to square 1 again.
We took him to urgent care and they swabbed it but did not provide medicine.
They said they would call him in a few days with the results.
Today I was feeling under my arm and it seems I have some abscesses INSIDE my underarm. All hard.
Then I saw a boil. So I have one under my arm.
Life is going so shitty for us lately.
My grandmother passed away, my car has been out of commission for 2 months and I've been using a car with no A/C in 109+ Weather almost everyday. My poor son is cranky, teething, has allergies and is just always upset because the heat. I'm tired of it. I don't know when we'll get a break or if we will ever get a break but I  honestly feel like this is never ending.

Today I was sitting outside and my mom came up to me and started tearing out grey hair out of my head. She told me it was probably because of my stress with Elliot and with everything else.
Which is true. I've been very stressed with my son, my health (just got tested for diabetes and came out OK but I am pre-diabetic, also have high cholestrol & blood pressure)
Anyway, its just never ending.

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