Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's been a week over 4 months since my last post.

Wow, what a record! Four months without one single MRSA bump. I was beginning to think we got over it. I was getting used to NOT having MRSA around not worrying about looking for bumps on my son. It felt so good to not worry and to not look for them. I was beginning to get cocky and think we were in the clear.
Well Friday morning about 5AM my son is still awake, playing with his Ipad with  no shirt on and I see this ugly red "bite" on his side. I totally thought it was a bite because we have spiders in and out of our bedroom all day so I was hoping against hope that it was a spider..the bump wasn't there in the morning and it already had a head less than 12 hours later since I had last seen that he didn't have a bump.
So I immediately put him in a bath and soaked it, rubbed it til it popped in the warm water and then added mupirocin to the open wound. I assumed it would dry up and go away like they usually do but this morning I had to take him to urgent care because it looks so angry and red.
The urgent care doctor told me we did a good job and to leave it alone unless it look bigger.
Well it does to me so I have just sent my husband to the pharmacy at 6AM to get his Septra prescription filled.

I am not messing around with MRSA, Ever. I have seen some people with some pretty bad infections that were not treated properly or quick enough. My boy is 3, has autism and is non verbal so this is even worse as he cannot tell me what's wrong. 
When I touch the wound its very tender and he cries so I am assuming it causes him a great deal of pain.

It's the size of a bean and poking out and as hard as a rock.
The doctor told us if there was puss inside it would be soft in the middle. Kind of like a pit. So hard around the edges and soft in the middle.
It doesn't seem to be that way but I am no expert so I am taking the safe route and starting antibiotics for him.
(Edit! IT GOT WAY WORSE. Looks like pics below now)
I really hope this was a fluke in his immune system and we will go back to being on track like we were before this weekend.

I did notice once he got the bump that he seemed to be full of allergies, not sleeping well and had been cranky. Hopefully this is a growth spurt or a fluke in his immune system and he will go back to normal soon. 
Its so frustrating to come from 4 months of no infections and right back to the way it was.
Please go away for good MRSA, I hate you.

Friday, April 26, 2013

I thought I would never make a 30th post...

But here I am.
Its been quite some time since Elliot or any of us have gotten a serious boil.
We have had a few little pimples that go quickly but nothing big. Until this week.
My little one started getting very congested and I assumed it was allergies so we treated it with claritin and hoped it went away, which it didn't.
A few days later we take my son out to the trampoline and while he is jumping I notice a bump on his leg.
I immediately knew it was MRSA so I quickly take hims side and start scrubbing.
By the time I saw it it already was a pimple and well developed. It still bogs my mind as to how I did not see it before.
It popped, got hard and that's when I knew a trip to the doctor was in order because we had no antibiotics. By God I wish we did.
Fast forward to the today, the wound was so angry, red and huge.
When we took him to the doctor she said his throat was red. Which means he has a sore throat. Why is it that every time he is sick he gets MRSA? It's mind boggling.

about an hour ago I noticed it had a head again so I took him to the bath and scrubbed it. It popped again and lots of puss came out. I was shocked. My little trooper only whined, did not cry. He is so strong.
I hope all the puss came out.
I took him out the bath and put mupirocin on it.
The sad thing is I do not have a routine, I do not have a plan or a cure to help him when he gets these. I have all but given up as there just isn't enough information or resources or help out there for a child or even an adult with MRSA.
I wish there was a cure or vaccine because I would surely give it to him in a second.
Fuck MRSA.

Friday, January 11, 2013

It's been a long time. Not long enough.

It's been a few months since my son Elliot has had MRSA so I was hopefully we had finally gotten rid of it. Boy was I wrong.
Elliot came down with a cold, a vicious horrible strain that I have never seen before. He wouldn't eat, sleep or drink anything. He cried all day and doesn't want to be put down. It is driving me and his father bananas.
I am functioning on 4 hours of sleep in the last two days.
Anyway, right smack dab in the middle of his vicious cold he gets a MRSA boil in the middle of his chest.
Are you serious? Why there? I was so shocked when I saw that.I really don't understand how this crap works.

To make matters even worse he started to get a swollen eye. Again.

 Holy shit warning bells went off in my head when is saw that and all the memories of the hospitalization and the struggle we went through just makes me want to puke.. I am so nervous and so nauseous. I have been sitting here feeling like I am going to have a panic attack or something. I am so worried about how he's going to act when he wakes up because lately he's been waking up screaming & crying and I can't calm him down. He's never happy anymore. I feel like I am in the twilight zone and I don't know when this will end. I haven't been this scared in a long time.

We took him to the doctor and he gave him eye drops and septra, I told him about Elliot being super fussy but he didn't say much and told me to call his office tomorrow if things worsen. 
If anyones reading this, I am so exhausted.
I hated MRSA.