Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's been a week over 4 months since my last post.

Wow, what a record! Four months without one single MRSA bump. I was beginning to think we got over it. I was getting used to NOT having MRSA around not worrying about looking for bumps on my son. It felt so good to not worry and to not look for them. I was beginning to get cocky and think we were in the clear.
Well Friday morning about 5AM my son is still awake, playing with his Ipad with  no shirt on and I see this ugly red "bite" on his side. I totally thought it was a bite because we have spiders in and out of our bedroom all day so I was hoping against hope that it was a spider..the bump wasn't there in the morning and it already had a head less than 12 hours later since I had last seen that he didn't have a bump.
So I immediately put him in a bath and soaked it, rubbed it til it popped in the warm water and then added mupirocin to the open wound. I assumed it would dry up and go away like they usually do but this morning I had to take him to urgent care because it looks so angry and red.
The urgent care doctor told me we did a good job and to leave it alone unless it look bigger.
Well it does to me so I have just sent my husband to the pharmacy at 6AM to get his Septra prescription filled.

I am not messing around with MRSA, Ever. I have seen some people with some pretty bad infections that were not treated properly or quick enough. My boy is 3, has autism and is non verbal so this is even worse as he cannot tell me what's wrong. 
When I touch the wound its very tender and he cries so I am assuming it causes him a great deal of pain.

It's the size of a bean and poking out and as hard as a rock.
The doctor told us if there was puss inside it would be soft in the middle. Kind of like a pit. So hard around the edges and soft in the middle.
It doesn't seem to be that way but I am no expert so I am taking the safe route and starting antibiotics for him.
(Edit! IT GOT WAY WORSE. Looks like pics below now)
I really hope this was a fluke in his immune system and we will go back to being on track like we were before this weekend.

I did notice once he got the bump that he seemed to be full of allergies, not sleeping well and had been cranky. Hopefully this is a growth spurt or a fluke in his immune system and he will go back to normal soon. 
Its so frustrating to come from 4 months of no infections and right back to the way it was.
Please go away for good MRSA, I hate you.


  1. Hi! My husband just caught MRSA a month ago.. and now I'm so worried about my two youngsters... Every time they get pimples (like the one in the picture) I am very worried. How can you tell the difference between pimple and MRSA? Thank you and hope you are all doing better now.

    1. Hi annie, sorry I took forever to reply. You probably have your answer already but I'll go ahead and answer anyway. MRSA boils become hard almost like a rock and full of puss, they also get very red and grow and grow until they need to be cut open and drained, whereas pimples will grow until they pop and small children rarely get pimples anywhere but their face.

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