Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Uninformed doctors.

One of my main worries about my family having MRSA has been uninformed doctors dealing with their outbreaks of MRSA boils. My husband has never seen a doctor for his MRSA because of lack of insurance and has been battling MRSA outbreaks since 2010. Well we finally gave in because he has a sty in his eye and some boils on parts of his body that get sweaty while he's at work.

We took him to an urgent care and the Physicians assistant prescribed him Keflex for the MRSA. If you have had MRSA before and you have access to the internet you will know Keflex does not treat MRSA. MRSA is resistant to Keflex. So now we have to wait until he is assigned a doctor with our insurance and he can be seen for it by a primary care physician. I am shocked that a PA working in an urgent care would prescribe medicine for MRSA in which it is resistant to.

Very disappointed, but hopefully he can be seen soon by a PCP.

Here's an article about what MRSA is resistant to.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hope against hope.

My sons MRSA has cleared up from his buttocks. Hopefully the bleach baths and septra are doing the work as well as the manuka honey. I noticed the boil had opened and immediately put manuka honey on it. I honestly believe it has helped.
For anyone interested I purchased the manuka honey at GNC for 30 dollars and some cents. They also have a different brand for about 16 dollars but I bought the darker higher count honey thinking it would work better but found from other researched 15+ and under works just as well. 
Anyway, I have also noticed that my son and his father's boils look differently.
My son gets theres hard boils that do not leak and they become big hard areas once the healing process begins. They form white heads and lots of swelling. 
My husbands seem only on the top layer of skin, they do not form a hardness under the skin. They look like impetigo but do not burst as easily as impetigo pustules. They crust over once they start healing and come in 5 at a time whereas my son will get 1 or two and no more than that at time (thank God). 

My mom informed me today that she has a client where she works whose body has been overtaken by MRSA which scares the holy shit out of me. He's old and has sepsis but its still MRSA and the thought scares the heck out of me. Also was told by an MA at my sons doctors office that her little girl who is a newborn has MRSA conjunctivitis, Holy crap is that scary! I feel so bad for her and it must be the hardest thing to see your baby going through that. I thank GOD that Elliot's MRSA has stuck solely to skin and if God willing he will keep getting MRSA I hope it will always stay on skin and not inside his body, only outside.
I have hope that on day my son will be MRSA free, I know it. But when? It has to happen. His immune system has grow and get enough to find off these infections. It has to happen.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Some "tips" that I have found and used.

So along this MRSA ride I have found some interesting tips that I have picked up and used against MRSA.

- We use bleach baths, sit in there for 5 minutes max fill the tub up with a half of a cup of bleach. It is supposed to prevent more boils and help heal current boils. Also good for eczema.
- Hibiclens, (although we currently do not use this because it literally burnt my sons buttocks and genitals when he had a MRSA boil on his bottom.) But supposedly it works when you have an open MRSA infected wound.
- Borax in the laundry, each load with boiling hot water if your hot water heater will manage there or you can boil some water on the stove and pour it in with your clothes to get a good temperature that will murder that sucker we call MRSA.
-Lysol, everywhere.
- UV ray light wand. It kills MRSA within 2 seconds of waving the wand over the affected area.
- Wash sheets every day to every two days.
- Vacuum everyday
- Clean carpet at least once a month.
- Wash hands thoroughly, use paper towels to dry hands.
- Bleach everything if you can, all surfaces.
-No dogs. As much as it pains me to not have any pets, MRSA can be carried by your animals.
-Cut out white bread and most things with sugar except for a cookie here and there, my sons a kid he has to have sweets sometimes but since MRSA lives off off white bread and sugar we have cut back on these things.

Right now I am trying to build up my sons immune system, trying to get him to eat better but its really hard.
He's been quite fussy, he screams, kicks, hits and scratches for no reason. He also cries all day now and I am not sure why. Hopefully this is some silly phase that he will get over, its very hard dealing with a child like this.

Also, the bump on his butt from the post below is infact MRSA, its grown a pus head and has hardened..so we're going to the urgent care tomorrow possibly because he has no more septra.
So far I have put manuka honey on it and have been watching it to see if it will pop or something.
Hope it goes away really fast.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just being honest.

I am truly tired of battling MRSA.
My son Elliot had a MRSA boil on his bottom less than a week ago, we gave him septra and it went away with bath soaks and putting manuka honey on the boil. It didn't drain but its gone.
Not even a week later this is what I find on his left buttocks while bathing him.
It's kind of hard to see because he wouldn't stop moving and it's dark but it almost resembles a bite and I am hoping it really is a bite because he was outside playing in the dirt for a bit today so lets hope to God its a bug bite, ant bite or something instead of another MRSA bump which will be hell to deal with because Elliot has gotten progressively harder to deal with when he has MRSA bumps. He hates for us to touch them which is understandable but it's hard to put medicine or bandaids on him. He absolutely refuses to take the septra that his pediatrician prescribes to him over and over and over. There hasn't been a month this year that my son hasn't been on Septra. I hate it, he hates it. Now he spits it out or screams until he chokes on the medicine. He's actually gotten quite good at not swallowing it so I literally have to put two teaspoons or more in his mouth when the dosage is 1 and a half teaspoons. I am considering asking his pediatrician for a different antibiotic, I am considering changing pediatricians but I have yet to find a pediatrician that will see my son the same day that I call to ask to be seen.

I can't even explain how frustrating MRSA is, if you have had it, especially your innocent child who should have NEVER came in contact with the stupid strain or staph that literally ruins lives and destroys every day living than you understand where I am coming from.
Sometimes I feel so angry at people who have never even heard of it. I feel envy and wish that I could say MRSA What is that?

I don't think i have been this fed up or frustrated or tired since my pregnancy with Elliot. From the start it was hard. I got high blood pressure by 11 weeks, became high risk and had 2 ultrasounds every month which failed to notice that his cord was wrapped around his neck. From about 30 weeks on he did not move, he was always so still (now we know why because the damn cord!) and they did not find out until 38 weeks that he was basically choking to death for probably 2 months in there. I lived at the hospital, was there every single day because this child did not move.
Once he was born the problems grew.
He was so small and had no fat, he developed acid reflux, hospitalized for numerous things like salmonella, mrsa, impetigo, mrsa again. It's just been a one long descent into a horrible life of MRSA and financial problems for us.
I wish I could be more optimistic, but I can't. I hate MRSA and its ruining my life and my child's health and childhood He deserves to be happy and carefree. How can he be happy when he is always hurting?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ouch, that hurts.

MRSA isn't the only struggle in our lives, in fact it's probably about 50 percent of the problem.
Finances aren't amazing or even good at this point, we were saving up for a car and bought one yesterday. I was dealing with a quite fussy toddler, my husband was supposed to check it out and make sure everything worked. I realize now everything was shady. Well turns out we did not find out til we got home that the car is junk. Its a long story but I have no way of contacting these people. They have changed their numbers and did not use real names. I got scammed. Its sad because I had informed the guy that I needed the car for my son to get to dr appointments as he has been very sick lately and he just lied in my face that the car was good. I can't believe how evil can be.

So far now, I have lost all hope and faith in everyone, people and sadly God. I feel like maybe it's time I start living my life the way I want to instead of the way the bible's God wan't me to live. I don't want to pray anymore, I don't want to even live anymore most of the time. How could a loving and JUST God let this happen to us when I prayed for a blessing in the form of a vehicle. So far getting my child to his dr appointments has been the hardest thing to do.

I just would like a break.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Elliot's bottom..

Well looks like the MRSA is getting worse on my sons bottom, its bigger and redder despite him being on septra. I have a feeling his pediatrician is going to cut it open and drain it because it looks so bad.
I am so worried. I am at a loss on what to do now.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Helpless against MRSA.

I honestly feel so helpless.
I thought it was gone for good. I always think its gone for good though and then it comes back.
My baby's bottom is fire read and his pediatrician was on vacation so now we have to use what urgent care gave us and HOPE that it doesn't get worse and we'll have to go to the ER. If we do go to the ER we're going to Loma Linda Children's hospital, I don't trust anywhere else anymore.

My husband has tons of MRSA bumps.
He has two on his abdomen, two on his thighs, one on his shin and two on his buttocks.
He is finally going to see a doctor tomorrow and hopefully get medicine. I feel he is the one giving it to our son.
He changed our sons diaper in the morning and in the evening he had a MRSA bump on his bottom after almost a month of being mrsa free.
I feel bad for my husband but I feel worse for my son. I am not even sure what to do except pray, spend money on cleaning supplies and clean. That's all the help I have and get and there's not much else I can think of doing.
I have scourged the internet for tips, ideas, experimental things..so far nothing has done much for us. Each new month there is a pustule, a boil, a spot and we're off to the doctors to get septra/bactrim once again.

It's barely June and we have had probably 8 MRSA spots on my son, as for my husband it has been countless.

All of this is happening with my husband working graveyard shift. He gets off at 6:30 AM and usually goes to sleep by 8 AM wakes up at 12 NOON which gives him pretty much NO sleep. My son is quite high maintenance, he needs attention 24/7 unless he's sleeping or watching Yo Gabba Gabba so his neediness does not allow his father or me much sleep or rest.
I have honestly forgotten what its like to sit down and enjoy a movie or dinner or have a conversation with my husband.
I don't remember the last time I truly enjoyed a shower or had a good laugh without my son crying.
I love him so much but sometimes he drives me up the wall.

Sometimes I feel suicidal, like maybe this will be the way out for me. But I don't do it BECAUSE of my son, what would he think if his mother abandoned him? I love him too much to do that to him.
What scares me is that maybe one day I'll stop caring and do it.

I pray that tomorrow the wound on my sons bottom will be gone and my husband will be able to see a doctor for his MRSA.
Also pray that we get the car tomorrow.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

MRSA is back

Well its back again, my son has it on his buttocks and my husband has it on both sides of abdomen, his thigh, his calf, his knees and both sides of his buttocks.
I can't get rid of it because my husband has it bad and keeps giving it to our child. What the hell are we supposed to do?
I feel like I'm living in a warzone and MRSA is winning, I feel like they have contracted AIDS or something as silly as that sounds.
I want this all to end.