Sunday, June 17, 2012

Some "tips" that I have found and used.

So along this MRSA ride I have found some interesting tips that I have picked up and used against MRSA.

- We use bleach baths, sit in there for 5 minutes max fill the tub up with a half of a cup of bleach. It is supposed to prevent more boils and help heal current boils. Also good for eczema.
- Hibiclens, (although we currently do not use this because it literally burnt my sons buttocks and genitals when he had a MRSA boil on his bottom.) But supposedly it works when you have an open MRSA infected wound.
- Borax in the laundry, each load with boiling hot water if your hot water heater will manage there or you can boil some water on the stove and pour it in with your clothes to get a good temperature that will murder that sucker we call MRSA.
-Lysol, everywhere.
- UV ray light wand. It kills MRSA within 2 seconds of waving the wand over the affected area.
- Wash sheets every day to every two days.
- Vacuum everyday
- Clean carpet at least once a month.
- Wash hands thoroughly, use paper towels to dry hands.
- Bleach everything if you can, all surfaces.
-No dogs. As much as it pains me to not have any pets, MRSA can be carried by your animals.
-Cut out white bread and most things with sugar except for a cookie here and there, my sons a kid he has to have sweets sometimes but since MRSA lives off off white bread and sugar we have cut back on these things.

Right now I am trying to build up my sons immune system, trying to get him to eat better but its really hard.
He's been quite fussy, he screams, kicks, hits and scratches for no reason. He also cries all day now and I am not sure why. Hopefully this is some silly phase that he will get over, its very hard dealing with a child like this.

Also, the bump on his butt from the post below is infact MRSA, its grown a pus head and has we're going to the urgent care tomorrow possibly because he has no more septra.
So far I have put manuka honey on it and have been watching it to see if it will pop or something.
Hope it goes away really fast.

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