Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just being honest.

I am truly tired of battling MRSA.
My son Elliot had a MRSA boil on his bottom less than a week ago, we gave him septra and it went away with bath soaks and putting manuka honey on the boil. It didn't drain but its gone.
Not even a week later this is what I find on his left buttocks while bathing him.
It's kind of hard to see because he wouldn't stop moving and it's dark but it almost resembles a bite and I am hoping it really is a bite because he was outside playing in the dirt for a bit today so lets hope to God its a bug bite, ant bite or something instead of another MRSA bump which will be hell to deal with because Elliot has gotten progressively harder to deal with when he has MRSA bumps. He hates for us to touch them which is understandable but it's hard to put medicine or bandaids on him. He absolutely refuses to take the septra that his pediatrician prescribes to him over and over and over. There hasn't been a month this year that my son hasn't been on Septra. I hate it, he hates it. Now he spits it out or screams until he chokes on the medicine. He's actually gotten quite good at not swallowing it so I literally have to put two teaspoons or more in his mouth when the dosage is 1 and a half teaspoons. I am considering asking his pediatrician for a different antibiotic, I am considering changing pediatricians but I have yet to find a pediatrician that will see my son the same day that I call to ask to be seen.

I can't even explain how frustrating MRSA is, if you have had it, especially your innocent child who should have NEVER came in contact with the stupid strain or staph that literally ruins lives and destroys every day living than you understand where I am coming from.
Sometimes I feel so angry at people who have never even heard of it. I feel envy and wish that I could say MRSA What is that?

I don't think i have been this fed up or frustrated or tired since my pregnancy with Elliot. From the start it was hard. I got high blood pressure by 11 weeks, became high risk and had 2 ultrasounds every month which failed to notice that his cord was wrapped around his neck. From about 30 weeks on he did not move, he was always so still (now we know why because the damn cord!) and they did not find out until 38 weeks that he was basically choking to death for probably 2 months in there. I lived at the hospital, was there every single day because this child did not move.
Once he was born the problems grew.
He was so small and had no fat, he developed acid reflux, hospitalized for numerous things like salmonella, mrsa, impetigo, mrsa again. It's just been a one long descent into a horrible life of MRSA and financial problems for us.
I wish I could be more optimistic, but I can't. I hate MRSA and its ruining my life and my child's health and childhood He deserves to be happy and carefree. How can he be happy when he is always hurting?

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