Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hope against hope.

My sons MRSA has cleared up from his buttocks. Hopefully the bleach baths and septra are doing the work as well as the manuka honey. I noticed the boil had opened and immediately put manuka honey on it. I honestly believe it has helped.
For anyone interested I purchased the manuka honey at GNC for 30 dollars and some cents. They also have a different brand for about 16 dollars but I bought the darker higher count honey thinking it would work better but found from other researched 15+ and under works just as well. 
Anyway, I have also noticed that my son and his father's boils look differently.
My son gets theres hard boils that do not leak and they become big hard areas once the healing process begins. They form white heads and lots of swelling. 
My husbands seem only on the top layer of skin, they do not form a hardness under the skin. They look like impetigo but do not burst as easily as impetigo pustules. They crust over once they start healing and come in 5 at a time whereas my son will get 1 or two and no more than that at time (thank God). 

My mom informed me today that she has a client where she works whose body has been overtaken by MRSA which scares the holy shit out of me. He's old and has sepsis but its still MRSA and the thought scares the heck out of me. Also was told by an MA at my sons doctors office that her little girl who is a newborn has MRSA conjunctivitis, Holy crap is that scary! I feel so bad for her and it must be the hardest thing to see your baby going through that. I thank GOD that Elliot's MRSA has stuck solely to skin and if God willing he will keep getting MRSA I hope it will always stay on skin and not inside his body, only outside.
I have hope that on day my son will be MRSA free, I know it. But when? It has to happen. His immune system has grow and get enough to find off these infections. It has to happen.

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