Friday, June 8, 2012

Helpless against MRSA.

I honestly feel so helpless.
I thought it was gone for good. I always think its gone for good though and then it comes back.
My baby's bottom is fire read and his pediatrician was on vacation so now we have to use what urgent care gave us and HOPE that it doesn't get worse and we'll have to go to the ER. If we do go to the ER we're going to Loma Linda Children's hospital, I don't trust anywhere else anymore.

My husband has tons of MRSA bumps.
He has two on his abdomen, two on his thighs, one on his shin and two on his buttocks.
He is finally going to see a doctor tomorrow and hopefully get medicine. I feel he is the one giving it to our son.
He changed our sons diaper in the morning and in the evening he had a MRSA bump on his bottom after almost a month of being mrsa free.
I feel bad for my husband but I feel worse for my son. I am not even sure what to do except pray, spend money on cleaning supplies and clean. That's all the help I have and get and there's not much else I can think of doing.
I have scourged the internet for tips, ideas, experimental far nothing has done much for us. Each new month there is a pustule, a boil, a spot and we're off to the doctors to get septra/bactrim once again.

It's barely June and we have had probably 8 MRSA spots on my son, as for my husband it has been countless.

All of this is happening with my husband working graveyard shift. He gets off at 6:30 AM and usually goes to sleep by 8 AM wakes up at 12 NOON which gives him pretty much NO sleep. My son is quite high maintenance, he needs attention 24/7 unless he's sleeping or watching Yo Gabba Gabba so his neediness does not allow his father or me much sleep or rest.
I have honestly forgotten what its like to sit down and enjoy a movie or dinner or have a conversation with my husband.
I don't remember the last time I truly enjoyed a shower or had a good laugh without my son crying.
I love him so much but sometimes he drives me up the wall.

Sometimes I feel suicidal, like maybe this will be the way out for me. But I don't do it BECAUSE of my son, what would he think if his mother abandoned him? I love him too much to do that to him.
What scares me is that maybe one day I'll stop caring and do it.

I pray that tomorrow the wound on my sons bottom will be gone and my husband will be able to see a doctor for his MRSA.
Also pray that we get the car tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that your family has been dealing with this hun! It's just awful! I truly hope that your hubby being able to get some meds will be the end of it for your family once everyone gets better!

    And I have no doubt that you won't ever kill yourself because of this hun! You are a strong woman & mama! Look at all you've fought through with your son so far & the selfless things you've tried & have done to get him better! ((Hugs))
