Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October is MRSA Awareness month.

I had no idea that OCT is MRSA awareness month, and the 2nd of OCT is World MRSA Day. The ribbon for MRSA is teal.
I want one, I know so many survivors of MRSA and even people dealing with it right this moment. I wish I could create a kind of organization that takes donations/buys bandages, bandaids, medicines/antibiotics and cremes- basically all the necessities that you need to treat MRSA and raise prevention awareness, but I have no idea how to do that.
I suppose I'll figure it out, its a great idea if you ask me.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The hole in my side.

The urgent care doctor told me over the weekend that my packing would "fall out" on its on by Sunday and it didn't so I got curious and pulled it out thinking it was a little piece which it was not. It was probably over an inch long.
When I pulled it out I was quite shocked to discover I had a gaping hole in my side, deeper and bigger than I assumed it was.
You're gonna love this picture.

Upon looking at this picture closely you can see into my side, looks decently deep and can also see the fat deep in there. This is why MRSA is not something to mess with or take lightly. I'm currently having a hard time grasping the fact that I have a hard, gaping hole in my side and it looks like an eye socket.

Well hopefully this thing will heal quickly and I won't ever get another one like this again, but I'm not holding my breath. This was definitely a wake up call for me.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hard as a rock/ Clindamycin.

This is it today.

If you have ever had MRSA you know that once the infection gets going and blood cells start to fight back that the wound will harden and burrow deep into tissue/fat/whatever. Well mine is as hard as a rock. I never know that a body part can get that hard until I came in contact with MRSA. If you have an infection and its very hard and not responding to antibiotics its a tell-tell sign of MRSA. Also keep in mind if you have ever came in contact with MRSA and developed another bite like bump 90% percent of the time it will be MRSA- This according to my PA that treated me.
So my advice to you all is if a bump develops don't wait to see if it's a bite! GO to the doctor and get antibiotics or treat it somehow or you'll be regretting it later.

As for the clindamycin, it causes diarrhea and I've had some tiredness and achyness but I am not sure what is causing that. I also have a broken toe and a feel a cold coming on so who knows what is what! I'm taking it 3x and so far only the diarrhea seems to be a major nuisance.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ouch, My God!

So hello MRSA fellows,
I went back to the urgent care today thinking I was going to get another shot and go home and wait for this crap to pop.
Well, that did not happen. I went into the office and the PA came into my room and was so sweet and caring (again). She was concerned about it not having a head and asked me if I would like to have it lanced.
I told her yes immediately and her demeanor changed. She seemed happy and told me that she loves doing this sort of thing. Which I suppose was great for me!
So she prepped me and numbed my side with I believe 3 shots of lidocaine which hurt sooooo bad. I think she did a good job though because she pulled out a sterile scalpel and went to work. I felt NONE of it except her pushing the puss out with her hands. She is amazing. I love her for the help she has done for me.
After she pushed the puss out, she packed my wound with gauze and told me to come back tomorrow.

Came home, hurting and took some codeine which helped a little. I am glad that this was done to me and not my son. FUCK YOU MRSA.

Anyway, just a few minutes ago my son jumped on my side which made it bleed through so I decided to change the bandages.
This is what it looks like under there.
Honestly, have no idea if that red stuff is the meat under or more of the gauze. It looks like meat to me in the mirror but in picture it looks like gauze. So who knows.

Guess who has MRSA?

I do!
A couple days ago this thing popped up on my side after taking a nap on my bed. (I change my sheets everyday and was wearing clean clothes. WTF??

It's quite swollen so I circled it to see how much it will grow by the morning.
Its horribly painful and has not developed a head and I want it to because it fucking hurts and needs to pop already.
My sister's boyfriend had MRSA on his groin this week and he had to have it packed with cotton three times. I do not want that.
Anyway, I went to urgent care today and they perscribed clindomycin and bactroban, the usual stuff.  I was glad to get the Clindomycin. Also got a shot in my butt of Rocephin (sp?) and I have to go back tomorrow for another.
My blood pressure was super high as well so she wanted to get another reading and maybe prescribe medicine.
 I wish the doctor would just cut this shit open. Hate MRSA. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

MRSA is back, I was hoping it was gone for good.

Well my little one just had his 2nd birthday on October 3rd and we were very happy that he hasn't had any MRSA boils in a few months and I foolishly thought he was finally over this MRSA bullshit but I was wrong.
This morning while cuddling with him I noticed he has one on his thigh. I feel like this fight will never be over, in fact it probably won't ever end. He sees his new doctor on Tuesday. Maybe he can give us some insight on this or send us to a specialist or something, I just don't know. Anyway here's the new boil:

For anyone going through this, I am sorry. I hope you get better and never have to go through this again. I am so sick of it and I wish to God I knew how to get rid of it because the Lord knows I have tried everything. I am just going to give him antibiotics and wait until Tuesday to see his pediatrician. I have no special home remedies anymore. I am almost just hopeless and tired now.